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A reasoning person is quite a slave to the external senses, and their Souls are disabled, like a ship lost on the waves because of the wind
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Psychology and Self-Knowledge

The Level of Being

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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Revolutionary Psychology-The Level of Being

Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? What is our purpose? Why are we living? The poor “Intellectual Animal” mistakenly called man, unquestionably not only does not know, but furthermore, he does not even know that he does not know...


The Marvellous Stairway

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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Revolutionary Psychology-The Marvellous Stairway

What we must first clearly understand is that each one of us, whether we be bourgeois or proletarian, wealthy or middle class, rich or impoverished, is in fact at one or another Level of Being...


Psychological Rebellion

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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Revolutionary Psychology-Psychological Rebellion

It’s obvious that the Horizontal one is very 'ridiculous', on it 'Vicente and the whole crowd' go, 'Villegas and all the ones who reach', 'Don Raimundo and everybody'...


The Essence

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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Revolutionary Psychology-Essencea

People think that the growth and development of the Essence always occurs in a continuous form, according to the mechanics of evolution, but Universal Gnosticism teaches clearly that this does not occur in such a manner...


To Accuse Oneself

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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Revolutionary Psychology - To Accuse Oneself

The precious Essence passes through the note 'SOL' (the Sun) and then passes through the note 'FA' (the Planetary Zone) then enters this world and penetrates within our own interior.


The Life

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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Revolutionary Psychology - The Life

Let it be understood that internal states are good or bad disposition, preoccupation, depression, superstition, fear, suspicion, mercy, self-commiseration, overestimation of oneself, states of one’s sentiments of happiness, states of pleasure, etc.


The Internal State

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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Revolutionary Psychology-The Internal State

Certainly, it does not matter how beautiful the external events of life might be, if we are not in the appropriate internal state in those moments, the best moments can seem monotonous, tiresome or simply boring to us...


Erroneous States

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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Psihologie Revoluţionară - Stări Greşite

We urgently need to know where we are situated in one given moment, as much with respect to the intimate state of consciousness, as to the specific nature of the external event that is happening to us.


Personal Events

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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Revolutionary Psychology-Personal Events

You must learn to face the most unpleasant events of practical life with an appropriate internal atitude...You must not become identified with any event; remember that everything passes away; you must learn to look at life like a movie; thus, you shall receive the benefits...


The Different I’s

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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Revolutionary Psychology-The Different I’s

The learned ignoramuses of this tenebrous epoch make a cult of the 'I', they deify it, they place it on altars; they name it 'Alter-ego', 'Superior I', 'Divine I', etc. The know-it-alls of this dark age in which we live do not want to realize that the 'Superior I' or the 'Inferior I' are two sections of the same pluralized ego...


Martial Arts - as Initiatory Path

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Martial Arts

The past masters have conceived the formal exercises which constitute the basis of the Art, to prepare the student in the battle with oneself, against one’s own psychological defects...


MONEY - Physical Necessity and Dependence

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Greed or necessity? - MONEY

Money today took an exaggerated and disproportionate value because, psychologically, we depend on it for our wellfare and elation. Money itself has no value. It receives the value that we are giving to it.


The Loneliness - physical, psychic and spiritual (1)

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
The Loneliness

When we refer to physical loneliness, we see ourselves lonely in front of the world. Lonely in our home. Lonely on the street. Lonely at the cinema, at the theatre, in the bar etc. Lonely in our daily activity. Lonely, without other companionship except the inner chatter. This loneliness produces dryness in the throat, for there is no verbal communication with other people...


The Loneliness - physical, psychic and spiritual (2)

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The Loneliness-continued

Psychic Loneliness is the one that leaves us hollow on the inside, without any enthusiasm for life.


The Self-Observation, the first step to eliminate stress

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Stres, necesitate pentru auto-observare

We don’t see the stress, we cannot touch it, it is like electricity: we can see and touch the wires, but we cannot see electricity itself. We observe and feel only its effects. We can assert that stress is a form of energy which sums up all of our inner and outer conflicts.


The Upright Individual

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The Upright Individual

The Fundamental Education in its true sense is the Profound Understanding of oneself. All the Laws of Nature are met within every individual. The False Education is preocupied only with enriching the intellect and anyone can do this. It is obvious that by having money anyone can afford the luxury of buying books.


The World of The Mind

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The World of The Mind, Child, Happiness, Pleasure, Personal Development

This article is about finding happiness. The question is whether getting to know about the mind can help us find happiness...What do we mean when we say, "the mind". In common parlance we use this word in a wide sense, meaning the psyche, i.e. the psychological sphere of a person, including also the spiritual aspect...


Destiny and Karma

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Destiny and Karma - Virtues

"Not only do we pay for the evil we do, but also for the good we do not do when we could"

Samael Aun Weor



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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Ego meter (Mythomania)

It is better to be serious people and accept the facts; open the eyes and do not create false illusions.


The Illness Of The Tomorrow

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Hourglass- The Illness Of The Tomorrow

Looking at this question from a strict psychological point of view, any day of our life is really a small replica of the totality of life. From all of this we can deduce the following: IF A MAN DOES NOT WORK ON HIMSELF TODAY, HE WILL NEVER CHANGE..