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The Revolution of Consciousness

The Law of Karma-The Law of Cause and Effect

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Balance, Karma, Negociation

“Karma is paid for both the evil that we committed and for the good that we did not do when we could have done it” - Samael Aun Weor


The Psychological Death

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The Psychological Death

"It is necessary to understand the necessity of working with the three factors of the revolution of the consciousness, if we truly want the profound self-realisation. If we exclude any of the factors of the revolution of the consciousness, the result is failure." - Samael Aun Weor


Alchemical Birth

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Alchemical Birth

"Yet Man isn’t a Man, is just an intellectual animal. Truly, in reality, man has inside his essence the psychic material, the material for the soul, but yet he does not have a soul." - Samael Aun Weor


The Sacrifice for Humanity

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The Sacrifice for Humanity

"If we concern of ourselves only and nothing else, forgetting about the many millions of beings who populate the face of the earth, unquestionably that we are imprisoning ourselves in our own selfishness. Thus, the I of Selfishness will not allow our Illumination." - Samael Aun Weor


Essence and Ego

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"Besides the Ego, that which is called Essence, Soul, Fraction of a Soul, Buddhata, Consciousness, exists inside the lunar bodies. It is that Consciousness that we should awaken here and now."


The Power of Mind

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The Power of Mind - Revolution of Counsciousness

It is necessary for you to know that an immensely superior power greater than electricity and dynamite exists: that is, the power of mind. When you think of a friend or a member of the family, etc., mental waves escape from your brain. These waves are similar to those of a radio transmitter. These waves travel through space and reach the mind of the person you are thinking about.


The four states of Consciousness

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The meaning of dreams

There are four states of Consciousness that are possible for man: Sleep, Vigil Consciousness, Self Consciousness and Objective Consciousness.


The Inner-Self

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The Inner-Self

The Inner-Self, the Monad, the being with its Two Souls, before we were born in this valley of tears, dwells in the Milky Way and even during the life of the physical body, here below, continues living in the stars.


The Sleep of Consciousness

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The Sleep of Consciousness - Angels with Trompets, Awakening, Supersensible Regions

Only those Souls who LIVE AWOKEN in the Supersensible Worlds, those who possess CONTINUOUS CONSCIOUSNESS, possess or have the POSITIVE CLAIRVOYANCE...The Mediums and Fortune Tellers are not useful for this category of investigations, they are unbalanced, and their investigations always end up being a failure, in most of the cases.

The Sleep of Consciousness - Angels with Trompets, Awakening, Supersensible Regions

The Consciousness

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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Consciousness/Awakened Consciousness

"Only we can know whether we are Conscious or not at a given moment. Only you yourself can know about your own Consciousness and whether it exists at a given moment or not."


Evolution, Involution, Revolution

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EVOLUTION, INVOLUTION, REVOLUTION - revolution of the consciousness , dogma of evolution

"The laws of Evolution and Involution are the mechanical axis of the whole nature, and have nothing to do with the intimate Self-Realization of the Being."