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Gnosis and Gnosticism

Gnosis - Mystery of the Essenes

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The Practice of Gnosis

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The Practical Gnosis–Puzzle

The theories have become tiresome, are sold and resold on the market, make promises they cannot keep. Erudition is not experimentation. The intellectual information is not living. Mohammed said: "The man who does not put in practice his metaphysics is like a donkey loaded with books".



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'The basic principles of the great universal wisdom are always the same. The same teachings were taught by the great initiates of all times in the schools of mysteries. The superior knowledge is atemporal and impersonal. Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Quetzalcoatl – all have transmitted a teaching that is completing, but which in essence is the same being only adapted to the period of time and to the understanding of the people from those times. Even nowadays is the same as always but it is brought in a revolutionary form according to the epoch in which we live. And it has the same objective: the union of man with the Divine'.


The Gnostic Wisdom

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Diamond-The Gnostic Wisdom

'The basic principles of the Great Universal Wisdom are always identical. Both Buddha and Hermes Trismegistus, Quetzalcoatl or Jesus from Nazareth, the great Kabir etc., bring a message. Each of these messages of the One from Above contain, in themselves, the same cosmic principles of complete impersonal and universal type'


The Scientific Study of Gnosis

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Gnosis–The Scientific Study of Gnosis–The critical history of gnosticism, Serge Hutin, Elaine Pagels

Paul Masson Dursel says about Gnosis: 'We possess Gnosis, beatified knowledge, when we differentiate the absolute, in its profundities, from what relativizes it'.


The Adversaries of Gnosis

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The Adversaries of Gnosis

The errors of many pseudo-gnostics who existed in certain periods of history don’t fit in any point of view with the primitive gnostic doctrine, nor with the present one. Gnosticism always taught AHIMSA (non-violence) and those who argue violence as an excuse for their actions and pretend to present themselves as gnostics, are a faithful reflection of the pharisaism existent in all the ages and doctrines of humanity.


The Sufism

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The Sufism-Gnosis

...No man is truly faithful if he does not want for his brother what he wants for himself. God will not give His affection to that man who will not give himself to the other creatures. God’s favourite is the one who does good to His creatures...


The Gnostic Gospels

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Just like in all cultures and cults, Gnosis also manifested itself in early Christianism: these are the „Gnostic Gospels”, as authentic as the Canonical Gospels. They were designated as apocryphs by the new political power-allied church, and they were persecuted until they disappeared, thus masking the truth.

The Gnostic Gospels- large size


The Purpose of Gnosis

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Gnosis, gnosticism, Being, Samael Aun weor

The Objective of Gnosis (or science of revelatory self-knowledge) is not something based rests on insubstantial chimeras or dogmatic heresies, as the attendants of the religious dogmatism of all time supposed to understand. On the contrary, Gnosis has been, is and will always be the SUMMUM OF ETERNAL KNOWLEDGE, which has allowed to all philosophical, mystical or religious forms to enter into the realm of absolute truths and, thus, to offer to the humanity a path to follow, to approach the reign of immutable truth...


Gnosis: The Saving Knowledge

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THE SAVING KNOWLEDGE. The Greek word gnosis means “knowledge”. However, the Gnostic literature does not refer to any knowledge. Gnosis is an outstanding knowledge.


The Gnostics

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Nag Hammadi- The Gnostics all religions one can encounter the idea of the metaphysical liberation of man through gnosis, that is to say, through the integral knowledge; There is a surprising universality in some symbols and in some myths: and therefore we can derive the logical postulate of a common origin of the different religious esoterisms, which necessarily are expressed through the great “exoteric” religions, whose core they are.


The Tiger Knights

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The Tiger Knights

The tiger was always related to Wisdom. Some of the attributes to be acquired within the order were SAGACITY and FEROCITY (to go thoroughly into life and to face the Psychological Gymnasium) and the LOOKOUT (the prudence, the mystical watch, to attain the Stage of Alert Novelty, meaning the Self-Observation).