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Universal Symbols

The Symbols of Saturn and Jupiter

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The Symbols of Saturn and Jupiter

The metal of Jupiter-Zeus is the tin, which points to ductability, expansion, is the Creation within itself, as above, so below, that is why He is the Verb. Saturn, the seventh sign, is governed by lead; but let us remember that there is the lead in raw state and the lead in the colloidal, subtle state;


CHESS - the symbolism of the game of Chess

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CHESS - the symbolism of the game of Chess

The history of this game is lost in the mist of time. Already present in the tombs of the Egyptian Pharaohs, known in the Nordic cultures, there are a lot of artistic representations about its presence in different civilizations.


The Dog

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The Dog, Man’s best friend

“In the various cultures that preceded us along the centuries, we have always met this good companion.”


The Mercurial Symbol

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Caduceus - The Mercurial Symbol

The Medieval Alchemists say that the secret to initiate successfully the Great Work and to work in the Calcination of the Dry Mercury (I-s – Defects) and the Arsenic Sulfur (venomoskirian vibrations of the abominable Kundartiguador Organ), is found the following artifice: "Let the work begin when the Sun is in Aries and the Moon is in Taurus"


The Dragon-the logoic reflection

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The Dragon - the Logoic reflection

In the Sacred Doctrines of the Gnostics can be best discovered the significance of the DRAGON, of the Snake, of the Male Goat and of all those symbols of Power and of Force’s of Nature and man, which, polarizing themselves with their negative aspect, are called "of evil".


The Fairytales – A Spiritual Alchemy

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The Fairytales – A Spiritual Alchemy

We must become like the children in order to enter the Kingdom of the Skies. But sometimes we even forget the children...


The VOPUS Symbol

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Meaning of The VOPUS Symbol Meaning of The VOPUS Symbol...
"The Dragon is the synthesis of the fire developed in all of its alchemical sense, fire which makes it possible for us to disintegrate the inhuman elements constituting the animal Ego."

The Authentic Christmas’ Symbolism

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The Authentic Christmas’ Symbolism

"The physical Sun is nothing more than the symbol of the SPIRITUAL SUN, the Christ-Sun. When the ancient people adored the Sun, when they worshiped him, they did not refer precisely to the physical Sun. No, they worshiped the spiritual Sun, THE MIDNIGHT SUN, the Christ-Sun..."


The Solar Symbol

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The Solar Symbol - Dot in Circle

The circle with a point inside was, is and will be par excellence the symbol of the Sun, as we already said, inside and outside; because of that, we see this conceptual synthesis of the Dialectics and of the Language of Knowledge, expressed in this simple sign.


The Lunar Symbol

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The Lunar Symbol

The Moon relates to water, not only because the satellite of our planet governs the tides, and generally all liquids, but because, as it is already said...governs the gestation and the births.