Imhotep, Master of Sciences |
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Written by Editor VOPUS | |||
![]() Imhotep – Maybe no other civilization of the antiquity is better known, from the point of view of the archeological vestiges, than the civilization of ancient Egypt. With all these, paradoxically, no other ancient civilization is less understood and, so, more mysterious than the Egyptian one. In all Egyptology treaties figures the name of a character, who wasn’t a conqueror or a pharaoh, but an artist and savant. This one is Imhotep, doctor, architect and the main chancellor of king Zoser (approx. 3150 BC). The Egyptologists say that Imhotep was born at Memphis (ancient Egyptian city) but, thanks to his wisdom he did so much for the Egyptian medicine that he was in time, adored as the god of knowledge and worshiped as the founder of sciences and arts. It is said that Imhotep and Hertataf (the son of pharaoh Keops) were the wisest men in ancient Egypt. Tradition says that Imhotep founded the school of architecture, under his administration being built the first stone house in Egypt; he was the one to erect the oldest Egyptian monument that was kept until nowadays, the step-pyramid at Sakkarah. These steps represent the symbolic stair that the pharaoh’s soul has to climb, (after death) in order to rise to his spiritual parent: the Sun RA. Other monuments, especially small chapels, were forming a complex of establishments belonging to the pyramid. The art of that era presents columns with trunks adorned with flutes, bas-reliefs full of life and a wonderful stone image of king Zoser. That is why, the Egyptians were praying to Imhotep, so that this deity to give them intelligence and inspiration for art. So, the scriveners before starting their activity, used to offer him a drop of the liquid they were writing with. Memphis was without any doubt the town where Imhotep was profoundly worshiped. Ptolemy IV ordered for a temple to be built for him on the Philae Island. The hieroglyphs in that temple say the following about Imhotep: ‘Great God, son of Ptah, god of the divine shapes, you give life to people. You are the most intelligent of the gods. You are the image and the resemblance of Thoth.’ ![]() The sculptures always present him with a papyrus roll on his knees, as if ready to read a document to the people. Imhotep was the initiator of the science of embalming of the dead, with the purpose to conserve their body along the centuries. Regarding the medical science he had the same place as Hippocrates in Greece and Asclepius in ancient Rome. The Egyptians considered him the father of medicine and were justified to believe this. Nowadays the oldest medicine treaty was discovered and this is related to the Smith papyrus, in which, there are described several types of operations and it is considered that these ones represent a compilation of surgical proceeding made by Imhotep. The Smith papyrus was bought at Luxor in 1862 by the American Edward Smith and, now represents one of the treasures of the History Society in New York. The famous Egyptologist James H. Breasted deciphered the hieroglyphs and published a treaty that he placed at the scientists’ disposal. The Smith papyrus contains 48 cases among which, fractures at the level of the spine or of the skull. Each case is presented by a short introduction that presents a concise diagnostic, then an extended analysis and finally a clear prognostic. It presents therapy in only two cases. Without a doubt the Smith papyrus is one of the great works of Imhotep as doctor of ancient Egypt. We can ask ourselves today: Thanks to Master Samael Aun Weor, ancient hierophant of the Egyptian mysteries, we know today was very advanced in millenary Egypt and that through it, the Egyptians made healings that the medical science today doesn’t even imagine. Testimony of what we say is the fact that contemporary science didn’t manage to discover until today the exact stages of mummification. Testimony of what we say is the fact that contemporary science didn’t manage to discover until today the exact stages of mummification. Mummification and other ancient medical techniques are due to this MAN who diserved to be deified and who had the sacred name of IMHOTEP. ‘Gnostic Egypt’ – Oscar Uzactegui Quintero ![]() ![]() Comments (1)
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