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VM Samael Aun Weor: Psychology Esoterism Achemy Gnosis Astrology Gnosis
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Comments (6)add comment

Curtis said:

Greetings I would like to attain Gnosis membership and attend classes or subscribe to classes. Please reply. Thanks
April 03, 2013

Tim Landwier said:

Hi I wonder why your articles have no date-stamp? I always look for latest information on certain topics, that's why I think it is relevant, and I am not sure if I am the only one?
August 11, 2013

Alessio Giordano said:


I am having problems with kundalini awakening, I read your article and found it really interesting. Can you help me? Direct me to some specialist? Thank you so much :) Regards Alessio
March 13, 2015

anchal said:


I would like to suscribe to Vopus. Please let me know the procedure.

April 03, 2015

Raul said:

I would like to request the lessons but the page is not working it times out.
June 03, 2015

Alexandra said:

Do you have courses in Ireland and GB? If yes, where exactly?
Thank you in advance :)
August 30, 2015

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