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VM Samael Aun Weor: Psychology Esoterism Achemy Gnosis Astrology Gnosis
It is necessary to descend before we ascend; every exaltation is always preceded by a terrible humiliation

Psychological Rebellion

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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Revolutionary Psychology-Psychological Rebellion

It doesn’t hurt to remind our readers that there is a mathematical point inside us...

Undeniably, such a point is never in the past or future.

Who wants to discover that mysterious point has to search here and now inside himself, in this very moment, not a second earlier, not a second later...

The two beams Vertical and Horizontal aof the Holy Cross, meet at that point...

So, every moment we are in front of two Roads: the Horizontal and Vertical...

It’s obvious that the Horizontal one is very 'ridiculous', on it 'Vicente and the whole crowd' go, 'Villegas and all the ones who reach', 'Don Raimundo and everybody'...

It’s clear that the Vertical one is different; it’s the road of the intelligent rebels, the one of the Revolutionaries...

When a person remembers of herself, when he works on herself, when she doesn’t identify with all the problems and bitterness of life, in fact she goes on the Vertical road...

Of course it never proves to be an easy task the fact of eliminating negative emotions, of losing any identification with our own luxury, problems of all kinds, business, debts, policies payment, mortgages, telephone bills, water, electric power, etc., etc., etc...

Removing Negative Emotions

Unemployed, those who for one reason or another lost their jobs, suffer because of the lack of money, and it’s awfully difficult for them to forget their situation, neither preoccupy and nor identify with their own problem.

The ones who suffer, the ones who cry, those who were victims of certain betray, of injustice in life: of some ingratitude, of some slander or of some scam, they truly forget of themselves, of their Real intimate Being, they identify completely with their moral tragedy...

The work on the self itself it’s the fundamental characteristic of the Vertical Road. No one could step on the way of the Big Rebellion if he never worked with himself...

The work which we refer to is of Psychological type; it deals with a certain transformation of the present moment in which we find ourselves. We must learn to live moment by moment...

For example, a person who is desperate because of a sentimental, economic or politic problem obviously has forgotten of herself.

If that person stops for a moment, if she observes the situation and tries to remember of herself and then tries to understand the meaning of her attitude...

If she reflects a little, if she thinks that everything passes, that life is illusory, temporal and that death reduces to ashes all the futility of the world...

If she understands that her problem is in fond nothing but a 'Straw fire', a small flame that is going out soon, she will see immediately, surprisingly, that everything changed...

Logical Analysis

To transform mechanical reactions is possible throughout logic confrontation and Intimate Self-Reflection of the Being....

It’s obvious that people react mechanically in front of different circumstances of life...

Poor people! They usually become victims. When someone flatters them they smile; when they humiliate them, they suffer. They insult if they are insulted, hurt if they are hurt; they are never free, their peers have the power to take them from happiness to sadness, from hope to desperation.

Each of these persons who go on the Horizontal Road resembles to a musical instrument that each of her peers plays what he wants...

Who learns to transform mechanical relationships in fact enters the Vertical Road....

This represents a fundamental change in 'The Level of our Being', extraordinary result of the Psychological Rebellion.

Revolutionary Psychology, by Samael Aun Weor

Revolutionary Psychology
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