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It is necessary to descend before we ascend; every exaltation is always preceded by a terrible humiliation
VOPUS | Gnosis arrow Philosophy

Gnosis as Philosophy

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Gnosis, philosophy, cultural anthropology, ancient egypt

In this moment we can only do one thing: we have to delve deep into the wisdom of the past, extracting from among codices the precise orientation to guide us in the present time. We have to drink from the traditional source of nature’s august wisdom, searching for the original channels of cosmic truth...


Eternal Gnostic Archetypes

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Written by Oscar Uzcategui   
Artus Quellinus – Hermes Trismegistus with Mercury’s Caduceus

The concept of ‘Archetype’ was always a rigorous object of study of a part of the ‘perennial and universal philosophy’ (filosofia perennis et universalis), for the ones who saw in it one of the greatest mysteries inside which lays the answer to the innumerable questions asked about the spiritual and psychological life of the human beings.


Looking for the Truth

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Written by Andrés LMA   
The search for the truth

In absolute terms, Truth and Lie have fought since ancient times to set themselves up as the only explanation for the universal events, but, unfortunately for the mortals, this is impossible, because of the unwavering principle that the Duality cannot understand the Unity...


Perception of Eternal Archetypes

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Universal Symbols - Perception of Eternal Archetypes

AThat faculty which distinguishes and recognizes the loftiness of proportions in which is transmitted to us through the senses and in other things that are placed outside themselves, must be credited to the soul.


Experiencing Eternal Archetypes

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Experiencing Eternal Archetypes - Theseus with the Mynothaurus

During what is called Shamadi in the Orient, initiated may visit, in astral or superastral journeys, the world of spiritual archetypes. Only the Royal Art of Nature can define these superlative and transcedental emotions.


The Truth

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
The Truth

“Hemos perdido la Inocencia Verdadera y la Paz del corazón tranquilo y por ello no somos capaces de experimentar directamente la Verdad en toda su crudeza. Dependemos de lo que digan los demás y es claro que vamos por el camino equivocado.”


The Absolute and the Relative

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Written by Franklin Ugas   
The Absolute and the Relative

'Two minds, very disciplined in intellectual iron structures, discussing among themselves or arguing about this or that reality, believe, each one of them, in the exactitude of its own concept and in the falsity of the concept of the one next to it.’ And later the Master asks: ‘Which one of them is right?, who could, honestly, guarantee in one case or the other, in which one of them would the concept and the reality be identical?'