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VM Samael Aun Weor: Psychology Esoterism Achemy Gnosis Astrology Gnosis
We have to learn to live from moment to moment. Life is an eternal now, an eternal present

Erroneous States

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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Psihologie Revoluţionară-Stări Greşite

In rigorous observation of the 'myself', it is unquestionably always urgent and unpostponable to make a complete logical differentiation in relation to the external occurrences of practical life and intimate states of the Consciousness.

We urgently need to know where we are situated in one given moment, as much with respect to the intimate state of consciousness, as to the specific nature of the external event that is happening to us.

Life in itself is a series of events that process themselves through time and space.

Someone said: 'Life is a chain of martyrdom that the humans carry entangled in their Souls'.

Everyone is free to think as he wishes. I think that the ephemeral pleasures of a fleeting moment are always followed by disenchantment and bitterness...

Each event has its special characteristic flavor and the interior states also are of a distinct type. This is incontrovertible, irrefutable...

Indeed, the interior work upon oneself emphatically refers to the diverse psychological states of the consciousness...

No one can deny that in our interior we carry many errors and that erroneous states also exist...

If we really want to change, we need with maximum and unavoidable urgency to radically modify those erroneous states of our Consciousness...

The absolute modification of the erroneous states originates complete transformations in the field of practical life...

Obviously, when one seriously works on the erroneous states, then the unpleasant events of life can no longer hurt so easily...

Country Work

We are stating something that can only be comprehended by living it, when indeed one experiences it precisely in the field of actions...

Whosoever does not work on himself is always a victim of circumstances; he is like a miserable log on the boisterous waters of the ocean...

Events incessantly change in their multiple combinations; they come one after another in waves, they are influences...

Certainly, good and bad events exist. Some events will be better or worse than others...

To modify certain events is possible; to alter results, to modify situations, etc., is certainly among the number of possibilities.

However, some factual situations which truly cannot be altered exist; these cases must be consciously accepted, even when some become very dangerous and even painful...

Unquestionably, such a pain disappears when we do not identify ourselves with the problem that has arisen.

We must consider life as a successive series of interior states. The authentic history of our life in particular is formed by these states...

When reviewing the totality of our own existence, we can then verify for ourselves in a direct manner that many unpleasant situations were possible thanks to wrong interior states...

Although Alexander the Great was always temperate by nature, he gave in, due to pride, to the excesses which produced his death...

Francis I died due to a dirty and abominable adultery, which is still well remembered in history...

When Marat was assassinated by a perverse nun, he was dying of arrogance and envy, he believed himself to be absolutely just...

Unquestionably, the ladies of the 'Parc aux Cerfs' totally exhausted the vitality of the horrible fornicator Louis XV.


Many are the people who die of ambition, anger or jealousy, this is well known by psychologists...

When our will irrevocably fixes itself on an absurd tendency, we become candidates for the pantheon or cemetery...

Due to jealousy, Othello became an assassin and jails are filled with sincerely mistaken people...

Revolutionary Psychology, by Samael Aun Weor

Revolutionary Psychology
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