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VM Samael Aun Weor: Psychology Esoterism Achemy Gnosis Astrology Gnosis
We have to learn to live from moment to moment. Life is an eternal now, an eternal present

The Life

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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Revolutionary Psychology - The Life

In the field of practical life, we discover astonishing contrasts. Wealthy people who have magnificent homes and many friends sometimes suffer terribly...

Humble proletarians of picks and shovels or middle class people often live in complete happiness.

Many multi-millionaires suffer from sexual impotence and rich matrons cry bitterly due to their husbands’ infidelities...

In this day and age, the rich people of the earth look like vultures in golden cages. In these times, they cannot live without bodyguards...

Statesmen drag chains; they are never free; wherever they go they are surrounded by people armed to the teeth...

Let us study this situation more in detail. We need to know what life is. Everyone is free to think as he likes...

Regardless of whatever people say, indeed, nobody knows anything, life is a problem that no one understands...

When people want to freely tell us the their life stories, they quote events, names and surnames, dates, etc. and feel satisfaction telling their stories...

Those wretched people ignore that their stories are incomplete because events, names and dates are merely the outer aspect of the movie; the inner aspect is missing...

Billionaires, Money

It is urgent to know 'states of consciousness'. Each event corresponds to one or another psychological state.

The states are internal and the events are external. External events are not everything...

Let it be understood that internal states are good or bad disposition, preoccupation, depression, superstition, fear, suspicion, mercy, self-commiseration, overestimation of oneself, states of one’s sentiments of happiness, states of pleasure, etc.

Unquestionably, internal states may correspond exactly to external happenings, or to originate from them, or just not to have any relation to them...

In every case, states and events are different. Events do not always correspond exactly to compatible states.

When events that have been long awaited finally occur, we get the feeling that something was missing...

Certainly, the corresponding internal state which should have been combined with the external event was missing...

Many times the unexpected event turns out to be the one that has provided us with the best moments...

Sexual impotence

Revolutionary Psychology, by Samael Aun Weor

Revolutionary Psychology: The Life-Samael Aun Weor
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shon spinn said:

Thank you for the insight.
June 18, 2013

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