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VM Samael Aun Weor: Psychology Esoterism Achemy Gnosis Astrology Gnosis
The opinion we may hold regarding the Truth, however respectable it be, is in no way the Truth


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Written by Editor VOPUS   

The Universe is made with the Law of Number, Measurement and Weight; the Mathematics forms the Universe, the Numbers become living entities.


Tarot - Arcanum No. 1

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Written by Vicentiu Popescu   
Tarot, Arcanum No.1, Egyptian Tarot, The Magus

The Arcanum No.1 is "The Magus", that which Initiates, that which begins, it is the One, the Unity, the Divine Spirit of each person, the Monad or the Immortal Spark of every human being, of every creature. The One is the Mother of all Unities, the One unfolds itself into...


Tarot - Arcanum No. 2

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No.2, Egyptian Tarot, The Priestess

The Arcanum No.2 is „the Priestess”, the Occult Science. The ineffable words of the Goddess Neith have been sculpted on the resplendent walls of the Temple of Wisdom with letters of gold: "I am she that has been, is, and will be, and no mortal has lifted my veil."


Tarot - Arcanum No. 3

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 3, Egyptian Tarot, The Empress

The Arcanum No. 3 is "The Empress", the Divine Light, the Light in itself; it is the „Divine Mother”. It corresponds to that part of Genesis that says: "And God Said: Let there Be Light and there was Light"...


Tarot - Arcanum No. 4

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 4, Egyptian Tarot, The Emperor

Arcanum No. 4 is “The Emperor” from Kabbalah, the Intimate within ourselves. The Forth Arcanum is very interesting. It refers to the cross of 4 points, the cubic stone which is the foundation of the Great Work. It is a stone that must be chiseled.


Tarot - Arcanum No. 5

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 5, Egyptian Tarot, The Hierarch

The No. 5 is grandiose, sublime; it is the number of the rigour and of the Law; it is the number of Mars and of war. Arcanum No. 5 of the Tarot indicates: the Teaching, the Karma. It symbolizes the 5th Cycle, the 5th Race, the 5th Sun, the 5 Tattvas, the 5 Fingers, the 5 Gospels, the 5 Senses, the 5 Cells of the brain and ovaries, the 5 Aspects of the Divine Mother.


Tarot - Arcanum No. 6

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 6, Egyptian Tarot, The Lover

The Arcanum No. 6 is the Lover of the Tarot, signifying Realization. The human being is found between Vice and Virtue, the Virgin and the Prostitute, Urania-Venus and Medusa. One is found in the situation of having to choose between one Path or the other. The Arcanum No. 6 is enchantment, equilibrium, loving union of Man and Woman, as well as terrible struggle between Love and Desire.


Tarot - Arcanum No. 7

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 7, Egyptian Tarot, The Triumph

The Arcanum No. 7 represents magical power in all its strength, the Holy Seven is the Sanctum Regnum of Sacred Magic, of High Esoteric Magic in Kabbalah, the Chariot of War.


Tarot - Arcanum No. 8

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 8, Egyptian Tarot, The Justice

Arcanum No. 8 represents the "Judgment", No. 8 is the Number of Job, of ordeals and pain; it is represented by the sword that corresponds to the esoteric. This number represents the life and sacrifice of Job which is the path that takes the Initiate to the Second Birth.


Tarot - Arcanum No. 9

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 9, Egyptian Tarot, The Hermit

Arcanum No. 9 is "The Hermit", the Solitude. This Arcanum, in its more elevated Form, is the Ninth Sphere, the "Sex". In the ancient Temples the descent into the Ninth Sphere was the Maximum Ordeal for the supreme dignity of the Hierophant.


Tarot - Arcanum No. 10

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 10, Egyptian Tarot, The Retribution-Wheel of Samsara

Arcanum No.10 of the Tarot is the „Wheel of Fortune”, is the same Wheel of Samsara, the tragic wheel that symbolizes the Law of Ancient Return. One must differentiate between Return, Reincarnation and Transmigration, which are all completely different.


Tarot - Arcanum No. 11

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 11, Egyptian Tarot, The Persuasion

Arcanum No. 11 in Kabbalah is known as the Arcanum of "Persuasion". Persuasion in itself is a force of a subtle Spiritual order; Occult Wisdom says: "Intensify the flame of the Spirit with the force of Love".


Tarot - Arcanum No. 12

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 12, Egyptian Tarot, The Apostolate

The Arcanum No. 12 represents the 12 Zodiacal Signs, the 12 Apostles, the 12 Tribes of Israel, the 12 hours of cooking of the Alchemists, the 12 Faculties, the Hydrogen SI-12. Arcanum No. 12 of the Tarot is the "Apostolate".


Tarot - Arcanum No. 13

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 13, Egyptian Tarot, Immortality

This Arcanum, the Death, covers two aspects: the first aspect is the death of all human beings and the second aspect is from the esoteric point of view. In the first aspect, all of the texts of occultism, pseudo-occultism, pseudo-rosicrucianism and theosophy state that one is born at a certain hour and dies on a determined day, hour and second according to the Law of Destiny.


Tarot - Arcanum No. 14

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 14, Egyptian Tarot, Temperance

In the Arcanum No. 14 appears an Angel with the Sun at his forehead and a cup in each hand, preparing the mixture of the Red Elixir with the White Elixir; the Elixir of Long Life results from the mixture of these two; undoubtedly, this is the Elixir that the medievalalchemists yearned for.


Tarot - Arcanum No. 15

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 15, Egyptian Tarot, Passion

The Arcanum No. 15 of the Tarot represents the male goat of Mendes, Lucifer, Typhon Baphomet, the Devil. The Mystery of Baphomet is Sexual Alchemy and it is based on the comprehension and transmutation of the Creative Energies.The Baphomet of the Templars must be read backwards, Tem-o-h-p-ab, which is the symbol of the Latin words: TEMPLI OMNIUM HOMINUM PACIS ABBAS.


Tarot - Arcanum No. 16

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 16, Egyptian Tarot, Fragility

The Arcanum No. 16 is the "Fulminated Tower", this is the Tower of Babel. Many are the initiates who let themselves fall. Many are the Fulminated Towers. Every Initiate that spills the Glass of Hermes, inevitably falls. The legend of the Fallen Angels has been repeated and will be eternally repeated.


Tarot - Arcanum No. 17

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 17, Egyptian Tarot, Hope

In the Waters of Life are the two triangles, the Positive and the Negative. In the middle part is a woman sprinkling the earth with two elixirs (Masculine and Feminine); on her head is a lotus flower indicating her developed Chakras. In the upper part shines the star of Venus with its eight rays, symbolizing that the Initiations of Light come after the Initiations of Fire.


Tarot - Arcanum No. 18

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 18, Egyptian Tarot, Twilight

Arcanum No. 18 is Light and Shadow, White Magic and Black Magic, this is found represented in the Black Dog and the White Dog, the Black Pyramid and the White Pyramid. In the Arcanum 18 we have to win very bloody battles against the Tenebrous ones. "Heaven is taken by storm". "The valiant have taken it".


Tarot - Arcanum No. 19

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 19, Egyptian Tarot, Inspiration

This Arcanum No. 19 is the Arcanum of the Alliance. It represents the "Creating Fire", the Philosophical Stone. In order to realize the labor of the Great work, we have to work with the Philosophical Stone. The ancients worshipped the Sun under the symbolic form of a Black Stone. This is the Heliogabalus Stone!


Tarot - Arcanum No. 20

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 20, Egyptian Tarot, Resurrection

The Arcanum 20 is the "Resurrection". In order for Resurrection to exist, Death needs to be previously achieved, there is no Resurrection without Death. How beautiful it is to die from moment to moment...! The new comes only with the Death.


Tarot - Arcanum No. 21

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 21, Egyptian Tarot, Transmutation

This Arcanum is the "Fool of the Tarot" or "Transmutation". The kabbalistic addition gives us 2 + 1 = 3. In this Arcanum 21 the Initiate has to fight against the "3" Traitors of Hiram Abiff: the Demon of Desire, the Demon of the Mind and the Demon of Evil Will.


Tarot - Arcanum No. 22

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
Tarot, Arcanum No. 22, Egyptian Tarot, The Return

This Arcanum is the "Crown of Life", the return to the Light, the incarnation of the Truth within us. No one can achieve Illumination without having been previously purified; only those that have attained Purification, Sanctity, may enter into the Chamber of Illumination.