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Woe the man who identifies with the mind, because such a man will lose the Intimate and fall into the abyss
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Practical Gnosis and Meditation

How to heal - The Moral Suffering

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How to heal - The Moral Suffering title=

The blessing of the Roses will be made drawing above them with the middle finger, the index and the thumb, a cross, while saying: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Then, the cross is closed in a circle that is drawn from left to right (clockwise viewed from the front), and it says: and in the name of Tetragrammaton.


The Practical Gnosticism and the Theories

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Saint George fighting the Dragon

The spiritualist trend believes that it, only it, has the truth. The materialist, atheist trend, assumes also that it has the truth. Theories do not serve to anything; we need to be practical and to know through own living the purpose of our existence. Goethe rightly said: 'Any theory is grey, and green is only the tree with golden fruits, that is life'...


The Nordic Runes: The Golden Language of the Spirit

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Runes | The Runic Alphabet

„There is a Judo of the Spirit, we refer to the Runic exercises; these are formidable for attaining the Awakening of Consciousness. In the mysterious and divine nights practice this Runic Judo before the starred sky of the Urania...” - SAMAEL AUN WEOR


Memory of Dreams

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Memory of Dreams- Eyes

When awaking from the usual sleep, every Gnostic student must do a retrospective exercise on the process of the dream, in order to remember all the places he visited during the hours of sleep.


Work Wisely

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Work Wisely, Nervous System, Anger Management

If you want to be successful, you should begin by being sincere with yourself; recognize your own errors. When we recognize our errors we are on the path to correcting them...


Developing the Faculties of the Chakras

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Chakra, Clairvoyance, Intuition, Mantras

„The human being must be aware of the urgent necessity for the Seven Vowels of Nature to vibrate once again within the organism; they must resound with intensity within the resonating internal chambers, as well as in each of the Plexus or Chakras of the Astral Body


Element Therapy - Occult Medicine and Practical Magic

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Element Therapy, Elemental, Therapy

Aceşti elementali ai plantelor, pe care medicul gnostic îi manipulează, sunt "dussi" ai Sf. Augustin, "hadas" ai Epocii Medievale, "Dore Oigh" ai galilor; "grove" şi "maidens" ai irlandezilor, şi "anime" ale înţelepţilor medici gnostici...


How to get a Successful Meditation

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How to get a successfull meditation

It is urgent to know how to relax the physical body in order for Meditation to be correct.


The fast as esoteric discipline

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The fast as esoteric discipline- Meditation and Prayers

When we fast, we interrupt the mechanics of the psychological flaw over our mind, over our nervous center, over our instinctive center and over our personality. Then a parameter of new conduct is established and this generates a lot of forces in our favor. Interrupting the mechanical habits we activate a wave of superior energy which comes to assist us.


How to remember - Past Lives

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How to remember - Past Lives

'It would be of no use if someone else would tell us about our past lives. Each one of us must remember through himself...' - Samael Aun Weor.


The Astral Projection

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The Astral Projection In the fourth dimension or the astral world, the soul travels every night, during sleep, while the physical body remains in bed, this phenomenon being called astral projection . Unfortunately this halving happens in an unconscious manner. The phenomena and the experiences that we live in this dimension, are generally called: dreams.


Mind and Meditation

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Why meditation?

We need to know the various mechanisms of the mind and what we want is for it to be perfect. How does it work? Why does it work like that? This how and why are absolutely necessary. SAMAEL AUN WEOR


The Scientific Technique of Meditation

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The Scientific Technique of Meditation

We must avoid the conflict between attention and distraction. There is conflict between distraction and attention when we fight against these attackers of the mind. The I is the projector of these mental attackers. Where there is conflict, there is neither silence nor quietude...


The Meditation-Wiseman’s Bread

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The Meditation-Wiseman’s Bread

...When the mind is silent and serene, not only at a superficial level, intellectually, but in all and in each of the 49 departments of the subconscious, then the new appears, the essence, the conscience is freed and the awakening of the soul, the ecstasy and the shamadi intervene...