"Glossa" is the title of a poem from the gloss genus, published in 1883 in the first volume of poems of the Romanian National Poet: Mihai Eminescu. The topic of the poem is an ethical code of the superior man which offers teachings to people, based on self-knowledge and on his philosophical experiences.
'O Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the whisper of the wind,
Whose breath gives life to the whole world,
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The Pale Blue Dot is a photograph of planet Earth made by Voyager on February 14th 1990, from a record distance (6.000 millions of km far from Earth), showing it against the vastness of space. It is also the title of a 1994 book by astronomer Carl Sagan that was inspired by the photo. In 2001, it was selected by Space.com as one of the top ten space science photos.
Here are the words of Carl Sagan:
The university professor challenged his students with this question: 'Did God create everything that exists?' One student answered bravely: 'Yes, he did '. 'God created everything?' - 'Yes sir', the young man answered.
Acţiunile virtuoase consistã în a abandona cele zece acţiuni negative şi, pe de altã parte, în a practica opusul lor...
Keep the joy of loving the poor and share this joy with all you meet. Remember works of love are works of Peace. God Bless you.
If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.