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An Indian American’s prayer

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Written by Editor VOPUS   

O Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the whisper of the wind,
aWhose breath gives life to the whole world,

VI come before you, I am one of your many sons...
I am small and weak; I need your strength and your wisdom.

Let me walk among the beautiful things,
And make my eyes admire the sunset of the red golden Sun...

Make my hands respect what you’ve created,
And my ears listen to your voice.

Make me wise, to know the things you gave to my people, the lessons,
You hid in every leaf, in every rock...

I search the strength, not to be superior to my brothers,
But to be skilled in the fight against my worst enemy: MYSELF...

Make me always be ready to walk towards you with my hands clean and my look straight;
Like this, when life goes out like the light of the evening
My spirit will be able to walk towards you with no shame.

Rugăciunea unui indian american
An Indian American’s prayer
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