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The Law of Karma-The Law of Cause and Effect

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The Balance of Justice (The Law of Karma)

The word “Karma” is a hindu term and in sanskrit means the law of cause and effect. There is another law called Dharma which translates as: prize, bonus, reward. The characteristic of the present existence are noted in the book of our life, which we wrote ourselves with the actions of our past existences. When we will ever ask “How will my next existence be?” we better ask ourselves “How do I live my present existence?”. Because everything we do now will have repercussions in the next existence. Everything that happens to us now, agreeable or disagreeable, is the result of our concrete, agreeable or desagreable actions from the past.

An axiom says: “The one that does not have Dharma will pay his debts with suffering”. Many times so many cruelties had been seen that the Law cannot apply Mercy and then has no choice but to apply Justice. Serious accidents, diseases, moral and physical sufferings show that we accumulated old debts that we have to pay. To avoid all these types of sufferings that come as “bills” to pay, and to no longer accumulate new debts, Gnosis teaches us a few simple but effective ways of negociation of the so-called “bills”.

The Lion of Justice (The Law of Karma)

There are a few practical axioms with reference to the negociation of Karma, like so: “The Lion of the Law is countered with the Scale”. The Divine Law is symbolised by a lion called The Lion of The Law. The Lion of The Law is The Law that we always meet. But if a person, before The Law demonstrates a proper, balanced behaviour, can move the scale in his favour and then The Lion of The Law retreats and cannot bite him. Then, the best solution to not be chased or persecuted by The Lion of The Law (symbolically speaking) is to maintain in our life a correct way of thinking, feeling and acting. Another way to balance the scale in our favour is: “Do good deeds to pay your debts”. Our good actions, in favour of humanity, make The Law to change and we will reach a point when it cannot charge us anymore because, consciously or unconsciously we did many good deeds, and The Law is not unjust. Then karma will no longer apply.

It is said that “Karma is paid for both the evil that we committed and for the good that we did not do when we could have done it”. Gnosis tells us that there is a great merit when we assume others’ suffering and we want to help them. Then we wash away many things without noticing, many serious things that had to come will not come. This has even more merits when it’s done disinterested and without thinking of reward.

Colantonio, Saint Jerome
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Marshall said:

What a perfect description of Universal Law! I hope the initiates who read this small treatise absorb it's significance, and the importance of the last sentence. As we all journey towards our own personal desire, as all children do, to be as our father; to create through divinity as divinity created us. The highest love that no word can describe, and through it, look beyond the reflection in our eyes. Karma is the highest law and darkest judgment; yet, it is the cornerstone of creation. For life could not be without it. To will, is karma's lesson. Wisdom through experience is it's final exam.
March 05, 2013

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