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It is necessary to descend before we ascend; every exaltation is always preceded by a terrible humiliation

The Gnostic Wisdom

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Written by Editor VOPUS   
The basic principles of the Great Universal Wisdom are always identical. Both Buddha and Hermes Trismegistus, Quetzalcoatl or Jesus from Nazareth, the great Kabir etc., bring a message. Each of these messages of the One from Above contain, in themselves, the same cosmic principles of complete impersonal and universal type.

The body of doctrine which we bring now is revolutionary in the most complete sense of the word, but contains the same principles that Buddha was teaching in secret to his disciples or the ones that the Great Kabir Jesus gave, also in secret, to his disciples. The body of doctrine is the same, only that now is brought in a revolutionary form according to the new Age of Aquarius.

Samael Aun Weor: 'Dialogue between the Master and disciples'

The Temple of Delphi–The Gnostic Wisdom

Knowing who one is, where does one come from and where is one going, has always been a fundamental aspiration of man. To this primary need GNOSIS answers.

Carved in living stone, on the frontispiece of the Temple of Delphi, an old maxim says: 'HOMO NOSCE TE IPSUM'...('Man, know thyself and thus ye shall know the Universe and the Gods').

From ancient times, man has always sought to develop ones possibilities, to know oneself and to know ones material and spiritual destiny.

It is written that 'The Glory of God consists in hiding His mysteries and that of man in discovering them'.

To find, through yourself, the exact solution to all the arcana of Nature, can never be a heresy or an absurdity, all the more since this is the most dignified and glorified right that every human creature has.

The hour of exploring ourselves to truly know ourselves has arrived. To live for living, without knowing anything about ourselves, without knowing who we are, neither where do we come from, nor why do we exist, is not worth the trouble.

It is necessary to find the answer to all these questions and for this, my investigator friend, the gnostic studies have been born.

It is good to know that, from an etymological point of view, the word GNOSIS comes from greek and it means KNOWLEDGE. Nevertheless, it is obvious that it is not about an ordinary knowledge. GNOSIS refers to a SUPERIOR WISDOM, TRANSCENDENTAL for the human being.

This UNIVERSAL and ATEMPORAL KNOWLEDGE from which the immense theological, philosophical, artistic and symbolic similarity of the great civilizations of the past, is the proof that all have originated from the same source.

'JANA', 'YANA', 'GNANA' or 'GNOSIS' is the Science of JANUS or the science of the INITIATIC KNOWLEDGE, the science of ENOICHION or of the Prophet.

The word 'JINA' which the term 'GNOSIS' comes from is only the pronunciation in Castilian of the word above mentioned; its true writing derives from Persian and from Arabic and is not 'JINA', but 'DJIN' or 'DJINN' and in this way we see it used by many authors.

Therefore, it is obvious that no educated person will fall today, as before, in the simplistic error of revealing the Gnostic trends of some exclusive spiritual side.

Although it is certain that we must take into account the gnostic teachings contained in the Hellenistic and Oriental elements, including Persia, Mesopotamia, Syria, India, Tibet, Palestine, Egypt etc., we should never forget the perceptible gnostic principles in the sublime cults of Nahuatl, Toltec, Aztec, Zapotec, Mayan, Inca, Chibcha, Quechua populations etc. from Latin America.

Results, therefore, that it is obsolete to think of GNOSIS as a simple metaphysical trend inserted in the bosom of Christianity. GNOSIS is an EXISTENTIAL ATTITUDE with its own characteristics, rooted in the oldest, most elevated and refined esoteric aspiration of all nations whose history, unfortunately, is not well known by the modern anthropologists.

Speaking very frankly and bluntly, we’ll say: 'Gnosis is a very natural functionalism of the Consciousness; a PHILOSOPHIA PERENNIS ET UNIVERSALIS.

Without doubt, Gnosis is the knowledge enlightened by the Divine Mysteries reserved to an elite.

The word 'GNOSTICISM' closes inside its grammatical structure the idea of systems or trends dedicated to the study of Gnosis.

This Gnosticism implies a coherent, clear, precise series of fundamental elements, verifiable through the direct mystical experience: 'The Curse, from a scientific and philosophical point of view', 'Adam and Eve from the Hebrew Genesis;, 'The Original Sin and the exit from Paradise', 'The Mystery of Lucifer-Nahuatl', 'The Death of the Self', 'The Creative Powers', 'The Essence of SALVATOR-SALVANDUS', 'The Sexual Mysteries', 'The Inner Christ', 'The Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers', 'The Descent in the Infernos', 'The Return to Eden', 'The Gift of Lucifer'...

Only the Gnostic Doctrines that imply the Ontological, Theological and Anthropological fundamentals of the above mentioned references are part of the authentic Gnosticism.

PREGNOSTIC is that which presents in a concrete, evident and specific form a detectable character in some form in the Gnostic systems, but integrating this aspect in a conception completely alien to the revolutionary Gnosticism. This thinking certainly is not Gnostic, but nevertheless it is Gnostic.

PROTOGNOSTIC is the entire Gnostic system in the incipient and germinal stage; movements directed by an attitude very similar to that which characterizes the defined Gnostic trends.

The adjective “GNOSTIC” can and even has to be applied intelligently both to the concepts which in some form or another relates to Gnosis and to Gnosticism.

Diamond-Gnosis, Gnosticism, Gnostic

The term 'GNOSTICIZING', without doubt, it is found very close to 'pregnostic' through its significance, as the word, in reality, in stricto senso is in relation to the intrinsic aspects that possess certain similarities with the Universal Gnosticism, but which are integrated in a trend that is not defined as being Gnosis.

Once these semantic clarifications fermly established, let us proceed now to define Gnosticism clearly.

It is the case to clarify in this dissertation, in an emphatic form, that Gnosticism is a very intimate, natural and profound religious process. Is an authentic essential Esoterism, progressing moment by moment with very particular personal mystical experiences… Extraordinary doctrine that fundamentally adopts a mythical and sometimes a mythological form. Magical, ineffable Liturgy with vivid illustration for the Superlative Consciousness of the Being...

The Gnostic Wisdom
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