'When a man and a woman unite sexually, something is created. A Perfect Matrimony is the union of two beings, one who loves more and the other who loves better. Love is nourished with Love.'
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"Whosoever wants to find the fire of Ahuramazda must search for it within the interior of his philosophical earth. This earth is the human organism itself. The Persian priests cultivated this fire in places of complete darkness, subterranean temples, and secret places. The altar was always an enormous metal chalice with its base upon the Philosophical Stone."
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Mary Magdalene is mentioned both in the canonical New Testament, and in various Apocryphal Gospels, as a distinguished disciple of Jesus of Nazareth. She holds a special importance for the Gnostic schools of Christianity. Her name refers to her place of origin: Mary of Magdala. Was she Jesus' Wife...?
Alchemy arrived in Europe thanks to the sufis that had been taking it through the south Spain, domain of the muslims in the Middle Eve. The Alchemy is a science of transforming brute metals into gold, but it isn’t about the physical metals, but it’s a metaphor for saying: transforming the brute interior, the lead of the personality into the Gold of the Spirit.
In Tibetan Buddhism, especially if you notice the iconography of deities and their consorts, you can see a lot of explicit sexual symbols which often creates a false impression. In fact, in this case, the sexual organ is utilized, but the energy movement which is taking place is, in the end, fully controlled.
| Nowadays, sexologists and the modern sexual education recommend the practice of masturbation. Knowing the mysteries of human nature, gnosis of yesterday and today does not recommend masturbation, and goes further on, saying that it is a practice that creates severe damage rather than helping the human species. | |
From the first to the seventh verse, the Apocalypse speaks about the coccygeal centre. In this creative centre the Igneous Serpent is found coiled three and a half times. Whoever awakens it and makes it rise through the spinal cord receives the Flaming Sword and then enters Eden.
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It is clear that the one who does not have information other than that of the dead letter,the one who does not understand the double significance of the Biblical verses, the one who has never known the Arcane A.Z.F., interprets these words of the Great Kabir in his own way with only the information that he possesses and believes that with his sect’s baptism or something similar, the problem of the Second Birth is already resolved. For the Mayas, the Spirit is Living Fire and they say, "We must unite what is above with what is below, by means of the water and fire."
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"The Kundalini is not a blind force. The Kundalini is not a mechanical force. The Kundalini is controlled by the fires of the heart and can only be developed based on Sexual Magic and sanctity."
"We practice internal meditation to achieve ecstasy; however, we know very well that the Kundalini does not awaken with meditation, because the Kundalini is sexual."
"Love begins with a flash of delicious sympathy, it is substantiated with infinite tenderness, and is crystallized in supreme adoration...The Perfect Matrimony is the union of two beings who really know how to love...
To love, how beautiful it is to love. Only the great souls can and know how to love...