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Awakening of Kundalini

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Written by Samael Aun Weor   
Human Snake

Many pseudo-esoterists have committed unspeakable genocides. When fear-mongers act against the Kundalini, indeed it is a true genocide. It is an indescribable crime against humanity to tell people in published books that the awakening of the Kundalini is dangerous. Those who spread fear against the Kundalini are worse than war criminals. The latter committed crimes against people, however, the pseudo-esoterists who spread fear commit crimes against the Soul.

Whosoever does not awaken the Kundalini cannot incarnate his Soul. Whosoever does not awaken his Kundalini remains without Soul; he loses his Soul.

It is false to state that the Kundalini can awaken without moral progress, and due to this, one must wait until such progress is made. The development of the Kundalini is controlled by the merits of the heart.


We give concrete instructions about the Kundalini and every true Serpentine Culture knows the path in depth.

Each of the Seven Serpents has its specialised Masters who watch over the student. The student is not abandoned in the work. When the student awakens the first Serpent, he is attended by a specialist and when the second Serpent is awakened, he is helped by another and so on. These specialists take the Serpent through the medullar canal. No student is abandoned. The specialists have to answer for the student. The specialists live in the astral world.

The Kundalini awakens negatively only when the semen is spilled. Whosoever practises Sexual Magic without spilling the semen has nothing to fear.


Nobody can actualize the superior aspects of the Kundalini without perfect sanctity. It is then false to say that there are disastrous possibilities in the premature actualization of the Kundalini. This affirmation is false because the premature actualization of Fire cannot occur. The Kundalini can only be actualised based on sanctification. The Kundalini does not rise even one vertebra if the conditions of sanctity required for that vertebra have not been conquered. Each vertebra has its moral conditions of sanctity.

It is false to say that the Kundalini can awaken ambition or pride, or intensify all of the coarse qualities and animal passions of the animal ego. Whosoever uses these fear mongering tactics to keep students from the real path is truly an ignorant, because the Kundalini awakened with white Sexual Magic cannot progress even one degree when true sanctity does not exist.

The Kundalini is not a blind force. The Kundalini is not a mechanical force. The Kundalini is controlled by the fires of the heart and can only be developed based on Sexual Magic and sanctity.

Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl

We have to recognize that in Mexico the Serpentine Culture was, and continues to be, formidable. Every Aztec sculpture is a marvelous book of occult science. We have been enraptured contemplating Quetzalcoatl with the Serpent entwined about his body and the Lingam-Yoni in his hands. We have been amazed contemplating the giant Serpent devouring the Magician. We have been filled with a singular veneration to see the Tiger with a phallus hanging at its neck. Indeed, the Verb is in the phallus.

Feathered Serpent

In the Aztec culture there are no fear mongers. Each book of stone, each indigenous Lamen invites us to awaken the Kundalini. It is urgent to first awaken the Kundalini and then to be devoured by the Kundalini. PharaohWe need to be swallowed by the Snake. We need the Kundalini to swallow us. We need to be devoured by the Serpent. When one is devoured by the Serpent, one also becomes a Serpent. Only the Human Serpent can incarnate the Christ. Christ can do nothing without the Snake.

The authentic Aztec and Mayan cultures, the Egyptian and Chaldean, etc. are Serpentine Cultures that cannot be understood without Sexual Magic and the Kundalini. Every archaic culture is Serpentine. Every authentic and true civilization is Serpentine. A civilization without the Wisdom of the Serpent is not a real civilization.

(An excerpt from the book "The Perfect Matrimony", chapter entitled "The Ninth Sphere"
Samael Aun Weor)

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