Written by Editor VOPUS
History always gives us lessons and now, to everyone’s surprise, appears in front of the world the figure of Judas rectified through his own Gospel. Till now we have been presented a traitor Judas, mean and unsympathetic with his Master etc...; the truth made its appearance and according to the proverb, 'the truth is like a storm and when it comes, is devastating'.
Written by Editor VOPUS
In the times we are living, religion has divorced science and science has divorced religion...However, a religion that despises science is a hollow religion... religion adopts different religious shapes according to the times and needs of humankind. Consequently, religious struggles are absurd because, in essence, all religions are simply modifications of the UNIVERSAL COSMIC RELIGION.
Written by Editor VOPUS
"Easter is profoundly significant. Remember the THRE and the SEVEN STEPS in Masonry: The Christ must burn, first of all, in our human body; later The Flame must settle itself in the depth of The Soul and finally in the depth of The Spirit. Without doubt, Easter has very deep esoteric roots, because the initiate must work upon the Lunar Forces and upon the Forces of Mercury, and with the Forces of Venus and of the Sun, and of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The Cosmic Drama develops in SEVEN REGIONS and in accordance with THE SEVEN PLANETS of the solar system..."