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Zodiacal Sign of GEMINI

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Zodiacal Sign of GEMINI

GEMINI 20th of May – 20th of June

The natives of Gemini are of a strong will; possess great courage, are versatile and like to travel.

The defect of the natives of Gemini is that they try to solve all things with their heads. They always want to silence the wise voice of the heart and then create problems and difficulties of all types.

"Zodiacal Course"Samael Aun Weor

Mercury is the metal of Gemini, its stone is the golden beryl and its color is yellow.

Gemini natives love traveling a great deal; they commit the error of ignoring the wise voice of the heart, they want to resolve everything with the mind, they become angry easily, they are very dynamic, versatile, voluble, irritable, intelligent; their lives are full of successes and failures and they possess a mad courage.

Gemini Natives are problematic due to their rare dualism, due to that double personality that characterizes them and which is symbolized among the Greeks by those mysterious brothers called Castor and Pollux.

One never knows how the Gemini native will proceed in this or that case due precisely to their double personality.

At any specific moment, the Gemini native results a very sincere friend, capable of sacrificing even his own life out of friendship for the person to whom he has offered his love, but at any other moment, he is capable of the worst infamies against that same loved person.

The inferior type of Gemini is very dangerous and that is why his friendship is not advisable.

The most serious defect of the Gemini natives is the tendency of falsely judging all persons.

"Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology" - SAMAEL AUN WEOR

Goto Image Gallery Astrology and Zodiac - Johfra Bosschart

Zodiacal Sign of GEMINI
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Mr. Alvin A. Jenkins said:

I am a Gemini man. I believe in my spiritual self as well as my mind. I do not like a lot of talking all the time and I take life very seriously. I love peace and quiet. I will joke around sometimes when it is the right time. I am very loyal to my sweetheart and my friends. I love God the Devine power, I meditate, I love a good relationship with my female companion, I finish what I start, I love different styles of music, and I believe in a true circle of friendship. None of us is perfect but always remember, there are two faced, good bad and indifference people in every zodiac sign. It is very stupid to say that a Gemini are two faced because we are the sign of the twins. Gemini is a very strong and powerful sign. We are not weak in any way. I would share with someone about a person that has wronged me. I would also have told the person to their face. I am not a liar and I hate trouble as well as gossip. Where there are bad Gemini's please remember! there are a lot of good ones. Please look into every sign and you will find the same kind of people. No difference! Every sign has a lot of Gays and Lesbians. My sign has some but I am very straight! Please do not get that twisted! LOL! The bottom line is' I love the hell out of women!! Alvin aka Praying Hands
April 12, 2017

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