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Zodiacal Sign of CANCER

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Zodiacal Sign of Cancer

CANCER 21st of June – 22nd of July

Cancer is the house of the Moon. Its metal is silver, its stone, the pearl, and white, its color.

The natives of Cancer are peaceful, but too wrathful at times.

They have an aptitude for manual arts, are very sensible and their character changes with the lunar phases.

Things go well for them on long journeys. They are very romantic, amorous and very tenacious.

"Zodiacal Course"Samael Aun Weor

The natives of Cancer have a character that is as variable as the phases of the Moon.

The natives of Cancer are peaceful by nature, but they are terrible when they become angry.

The natives of Cancer have a disposition for the manual arts, practical arts.

The natives of Cancer have a vivid Imagination, but they should be careful of Fantasy. Conscious Imagination is advisable. The mechanical imagination called fantasy is absurd.

In Cancer we sometimes find some individuals who are too passive, slack, lazy.

The natives of Cancer are very fond of novels, movies, etc.

"Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology" - SAMAEL AUN WEOR

Goto Image Gallery Astrology and Zodiac - Johfra Bosschart

Zodiacal Sign of Cancer
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