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We have to learn to live from moment to moment. Life is an eternal now, an eternal present
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Publications: V.M. Kwen Khan (Óscar Uzcategui Q.)

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Publications: Samael Aun Weor

Books of other writers

Mutus Liber by Óscar Uzcategui (V.M. Kwen Khan)

Mutus Liber Speaks

Mutus Liber Speaks: Alchemy, that millenary science that promised its followers the transformation of Lead of the Personality into Gold of the Spirit, again regains importance with the unveiling that the author provides about the work entitled El Mutus Liber. This work, published at the end of Middle Ages, was certainly very investigated by the lovers of the so-called HERMETIC ART; however, very few arrived at the depth of its postulates. Now Mutus Liber Speaks, allows for the sincere devotees of the Transmutative Art to come to understand the deep relationship between this Hermetic Science and the human person.

Western Europe and Northern America
Central and South America, Eastern Europe and Asia
The price is 12.00Eur
The price is 10.50Eur

Gnostic Ontology by Oscar Uzcategui (V.M. Kwen Khan)

Gnostic Ontology

"Gnostic Ontology" by Óscar Uzcategui (V.M. Kwen Khan) responds to all the questions that normally rise when the human being wants to live life in agreement with the transcendent principles of the great religions that spread across the five continents of our world...

Western Europe and Northern America
Central and South America, Eastern Europe and Asia
The price is 12.00Eur
The price is 12.00Eur

Samael Aun Weor: The Absolute Man- by Oscar Uzcategui (V.M. Kwen Khan)

Samael Aun Weor: The Absolute Man
by Oscar Uzcategui (V.M. Kwen Khan)

In the mid of last century and at the beginning of this century, the writers of native occultism had been announcing the arrival of an esoteric message that would revolutionize our whole knowledge about metaphysical matters.

Figures such as Madame Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, Krishnamurti, Annie Bessant, Leadbeater and many others warned the Western world that their teachings were a preparation of the human soil for the arrival of what they called "superior teachings".


The price is 19Eur
Publications, Books: Oscar Uzcategui Q.
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