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Coincidences Jesus – Krishna

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In his debated work ‘The World’s 16 Crucified Saviors’, K. Graves brings additional evidences to prove that Jesus Christ’s history, as we know in a traditional way, is not a history in the literal sense, but mostly a collection of esoteric symbols, constant in different cultures, that show us the Cosmic Christi Drama (Life, Suffering and Death), as a Cosmic and Universal Event. Further on we quote several similarities between Jesus, the Great Kabir and Krishna, India’s Savior Christ, born 1000 years before. Not without first calling attention that there are similar parallels to at least 48 sacred characters from antiquity, including the Immaculate Conception.

Jesus Christ Krishna
He had a disciple called ‘John’ He had a disciple called ‘Arjuna’
Jesus’ words: ’I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life.’ ‘I am the light of the Sun and of the Moon, far above Darkness. I am the splendor of the Flame, the Brightness of everything that glows and the Light of Lights.’
He was crucified and pierced with a spear. He was crucified and pierced with an arrow.
When he died ‘the whole Earth got dark from the ninth hour; the Sun got dark’. ‘And the earth shook and the rocks split and the tombs opened’. When the moment of his death approached all kind of calamities and bad signs occurred. The Sun got dark in the middle of the day. From the sky it rained with fire and ash.
Jesus descended into Hell. He also descended into Hell.
He resurrected from the tomb. He also resurrected from the tomb.
The Ascension was assisted by many people. Krishna rose with his body in the Skies and many people witnessed his Ascension.
Christ will come again to judge the living and the dead. Krishna will be the Judge of the living and of the dead.
His birth is celebrated on the 25th of December. His birth is also celebrated on the 25th of December
It is said that he was born in a humble place in a manger or in a cave. He was also born in a humble place: a cave.
He was adored by the Shepherds in Bethlehem. He was adored by the Shepherds in Nanden.
He had an adoptive father called Joseph. He had an adoptive father called ‘Nanda’.
He was born from a holy virgin called ‘Mary’. He was born from a holy virgin called ‘Devaki’.
Herod ordered the killing of the newborn babies in order to make him disappear. King Kansa did the same thing.
His life is full of miracles. His life is full of miracles.
He is the Alfa and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. He is the Beginning, the Middle and the End of all things.
Jesus – Krishna
Coincidences Jesus – Krishna
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