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We have to learn to live from moment to moment. Life is an eternal now, an eternal present

The Seven Orders of the Worlds

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Written by Editor VOPUS   

“In the beginning was the Verb and the Verb was with God and the verb was God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Saint, Levitation, Floating

There are seven orders of worlds, seven cosmos that were created with the power of the Verb, with music, with sound.

The first Cosmos is submerged within the Uncreated Light of the Absolute.

The second order of worlds is constituted by all the worlds of infinite space.

The third order of worlds is the sum total of all the suns of starry space.

The fourth order of worlds is the sun, which illuminates us with all its laws and dimensions.

The fifth order of worlds is made up of all the planets of the solar system.

The sixth order of worlds is the Earth in itself, with its seven dimensions and regions inhabited by infinite beings.

The seventh order of worlds is formed by those seven concentric spheres or Infernal Worlds of the submerged Mineral Kingdom below the earth’s cortex.

Music, the Verb, placed by the Logos in seven musical octaves, sustains the universe firm in its march.

The first order of worlds, the note Do. The second order of worlds, the note Si. The third order of worlds, the note La. The fourth order of worlds, the note So. The fifth order of worlds, the note Fa. The sixth order of worlds, the note Mi. The seventh order of worlds, the note Re. Then, everything returns to the Absolute with the note Do. Without music, without the Verb, without the Great Word, the marvelous existence of the Seven Cosmos would be impossible.

Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Si. Si-La-So-Fa-Mi-Re-Do. The seven notes of the Great Scale of the Creative Verb, resound in all of creation, because in the beginning was the verb.

The first order of worlds is wisely governed by the only law, by the great law. The second order of worlds is governed by three laws. The third order of worlds is governed by six laws. The fourth order of worlds is governed by twelve laws. The fifth order of worlds is governed by 24 laws. The sixth order of worlds is governed by 48 laws. The seventh order of worlds is governed by 96 laws...

Angel Singing, Tiny Angels

When one talks about the Word, one is also talking about sound, about music, Rhythms, the Fire with its three measures of the Mahavan and the Chotavan which sustain the Universe firm in its march.

Pseudo-occultists and pseudo esoterists only mention the Microcosm and the Macrocosm; they merely mention two orders of worlds, when in reality there are Seven Cosmos, seven orders of worlds sustained by the Verb, by music, by the spermatic and Luminous Fiat of the first instant.

Each of the Seven Cosmos is beyond all doubt a living organism that breathes, feels and lives.

From the esoteric point of view, we can affirm that every progress upwards, is the result of a progress downwards. One cannot ascend without descending. First one has to descend and then ascend.

If we want to know a cosmos, we should first know the two adjoining ones, the one that is above and the one that is below, because both determine all the circunstances and vital phenomena of the cosmos that we want to study, to know.

Example: In this era in which scientists struggle for the conquest of space, tremendous, unfortunately perverse, advances are being made in the field of the infinitely small, in the atomic world.

Holy Trinity, Coronation of The Virgin, Angels

The creation of the Seven Cosmos was only possible by means of the verb, by means of the word, by means of music.

The three forces, Father-Son-Holy constitute the Sacred Triamazikamno. This is the Holy Affirming, the Holy Denying, the Holy Reconciling; the Holy God, the Holy Firm One, the Holy Immortal.

In electricity, these are the three poles: positive, negative and neutral. Without the presence of these three poles, all creation is impossible.

In Gnostic esoteric science, the three independent forces have the following names: Surp-Otheos, Surp-Skiros, Surp-Athanotos; the Propelling, Affirming, Positive Force; the Denying Force, the Denying force, the Force of Resistance; the Reconciling Force, the Liberating Force, the Neutralizing Force. These three forces in the Ray of Creation resemble three wills, three consciousnesses, three units. Each of these three forces contains in itself all the possibilities of the three. But, in their point of conjunction, each of them manifest only its principle: the positive, negative or neutral.

It is very interesting to see the three forces in action. They separate, move away from each other and then come together again in order to form new trinities which originate new worlds, new creations.

In the Absolute, the three forces are the One Logos, the Army of the Verb within the Great Unit of life free in its movement.

Chorus of Angels Singing, Tiny Angels

The Creative Process of the Sacred Cosmic Common Triamazikamno was initiated with the sexual marriage of the word because in the beginning was the verb, and the verb was with God and the verb was God. Because of him all things were made and without him nothing that is made would have been made.

In accordance with the Sacred Law of Heptaparaparshinokh (the Law of Seven), seven temples were established in the Chaos for the construction of this solar system.

In accordance with the Sacred Law of Triamazikamno (the Law of Three), the Elohim divided into three groups within every temple to sing in accordance with the Litur of Fire.

The work of making fecund the Prakriti, In other words, the Chaos, the Cosmic Mother, the Great Womb, is always the labor of the very sacred Teomertmalogos, the Third Force.

The three groups organized themselves within each temple in the following manner: First, a Priest. Second, a Priestess. Third, a Neutral group of Elohim. If we take into consideration that the Elohim are androgyny it is then clear that they had to polarize themselves at will in a Masculine, Feminine and Neutral form, in accordance with the Sacred Cosmic Common Triamazikamno.

The Priest and the Priestess were before the altar and, on the ground floor of the temple, the Androgyny Choir of the Elohim. The Rituals of Fire were sung and the sexual marriage of the word fecundated the Great Womb of the Chaos and the Universe was born. The Angels create with the power of the word. The larynx is a uterus where the word is gestated.

We should Awaken Consciousness in the Word, in the Creative Larynx, in order for it to one day also be able to pronounce the Spermatic and Luminous Fiat of the first instant. Consciousness sleeps in our larynx; we are unconscious with the word; we need to become fully Conscious of the Word. It is said that silence is golden. We say that there exist criminal silences. It is as bad to speak when one should remain silent as it is to remain silent when one should speak.

There are times when to speak is a transgression. There are times when to remain silent is also a transgression. Words are lovely but sterile of he who does not act as he says, like a beautiful flower, full of color, but lacking in fragrance. But similar to a beautiful flower, full of color and fragrance, are the words that are lovely and fertile of he who acts according to how he speaks.


It is urgent to end the mechanicity of words. It is necessary to speak with precision, in a conscious and opportune manner. We need to be conscious of the verb.

There is responsibility in words and to play with the verb is sacrilege. Nobody has the right to judge anyone; it is absurd to slander our fellowinen. It is stupid to murmur about others’ lives.

Accusing words fall upon us sooner or later, like a ray of vengeance. Slanderous, infamous words always return to the one who pronounced them, converted into rocks that hurt.

From the book „Hermetic Astrology” by Samael Aun Weor

The Seven Orders of the Worlds, Consciousness, Angels

Tiny Angels - Consciousness - Angel

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