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VM Samael Aun Weor: Гнозис в России - VOPUS
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Mr. Samael Aun Weor, anthropologist and contemporary sociologist, has been an outstanding researcher. He dedicated his entire life to study the great truths that the past civilizations have bequeathed humanity in all of its different ways: in the philosophy, religion, art and science.

He was born in Bogota, Colombia, on March 6, 1917.

He achieved in 1958 the integration of three important spiritual movements into one known as AGLA (Accion Gnostica Libertadora de Amerindia).

When he was 33 years old he was entrusted the vast mission of spreading the Gnostic teaching all over the world. Then, he walked towards the North, crossing several countries such as Panama, Costa Rica, Salvador, etc., until he settled down in Mexico. It was in Mexico that his teaching caused a "revolution", and he established there the headquarters of the Great International Gnostic Movement.

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