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Мнение, которого мы можем придерживаться относительно Истины, каким бы уважаемым оно ни было, ни в коем случае не является Истиной.
Гнозис | VOPUS arrow Часто задаваемые вопросы arrow Gnostic Knowledgearrow So, Gnosis is a pre-Christian and Christian knowledge at the same time?
So, Gnosis is a pre-Christian and Christian knowledge at the same time?
Written by Óscar Uzcategui

‘To speak frankly and unequivocally, we say: Gnosis is a very natural function of Conscience; a perennial and universal philosophy.'.

Undoubtedly, GNOSIS is the illuminated knowledge of the divine mysteries reserved for an elite (people eager to learn about the mysteries of life and death). The word “Gnosticism” holds within its grammatical structure the idea of systems or currents dedicated to the study of Gnosis.

"‘This Gnosticism involves a consistent, clear and precise series of fundamental elements, verifiable through the direct mystical experience, for example:

  1. A) The curse, from the scientific and philosophical perspective;
  2. B) The Adam and Eve of the Hebrew Genesis;
  3. C) The original sin and the exit from Paradise;
  4. D) The mystery of Lucifer;
  5. E) The death of the “Myself”;
  6. F) The creative powers;
  7. G) The essence of the Salvator Salvandus;
  8. H) The sexual mysteries;
  9. I) The Inner Christ;
  10. J) The Igneous Serpent of our magical powers;
  11. K) The descent into Hell;
  12. L) The return to Eden.
Only the Gnostic doctrines involving the ontological, theological and anthropological fundamentals, as quoted above, are part of the authentic Gnosticism.’

On the other hand, there is an implicit pre-Christian Gnosis in the philosophical and mystical knowledge of the peoples of the past. Therefore we say that ‘the Mexican codexes, Egyptian papyruses, Assyrian tablets, Dead Sea scrolls, strange parchments, as well as ancient temples, sacred monoliths, old hieroglyphics, pyramids, millenary tombs, and so on, offer at their symbolic depth a Gnostic meaning that definitely escapes literal interpretation and that has never had an explanatory value of a solely intellectual nature.’

‘The speculative rationalism of the modern anthropologists and historians, instead of enriching the language, impoverishes it, since the Gnostic stories, written or allegorized in any form of art, always orient themselves towards the inward BEING of the human person. And it is in that extremely interesting semi-philosophical and semi-mythological language of the Gnosis, where a series of extraordinary invariants are presented, symbols with an esoteric base that silently speak to the Conscience.‘

‘We have investigated this in the Chinese sources, in the Sanskrit works in India, in the old Tibetan manuscripts. We have concerned ourselves with the study of the archaeological pieces, we have investigated many codices in depth, we have analyzed the wisdom of the ancient civilizations, we have carried out comparative studies between Mexico, Egypt, India, Tibet, Greece, etc.; and we reached the conclusion that the universal wisdom is always the same, only its aspects change, according to the peoples, the nations and the languages.‘

‘While it is true that in any Gnostic system we must take into account its Eastern Hellenistic elements, including Persia, Mesopotamia, Syria, India, Palestine, Egypt, etc., we should never ignore the Gnostic principles that are noticeable in the Indo-American sublime religious cults of the Nahuas, Toltecs, Aztecs, Zapotecs, Maya, Chibchas, Incas, Quechuas, and so on.’

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