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VM Samael Aun Weor: Гнозис в России - VOPUS
Наша жизнь похожа на движущийся поезд, идущий по рельсам неизменных механических привычек в пустом и поверхностном существовании.
What is an Astral Projection?
Written by Samael Aun Weor

Do you really not know what an Astral Projection is? Young lady, I understand very well that your question is sincere. Listen: Astral Projection is an extremely simple and easy natural phenomenon like eating and drinking, etc. It is clear that when the physical body becomes slumbered, the soul then leaves it and travels everywhere. When returning, when re-entering into its body again, the soul then often remembers the places where it was, the people with whom it spoke, etc.; usually people describe this phenomenon as dreams, yet indeed this is an astral projection.

From “Beyond Death” (1970) by Samael Aun Weor.

Astral Projection, Samael Aun Weor, Dreams, Girl
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