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VM Samael Aun Weor: Гнозис в России - VOPUS
Мудрость – это Древо Познания Добра и Зла, а Любовь – это Древо Жизни.
Гнозис | VOPUS arrow Часто задаваемые вопросы arrow Astral Projectionarrow Can one even travel to any place without knowing that place?
Can one even travel to any place without knowing that place?
Written by Samael Aun Weor

I went to such a divine temple and nevertheless, I did not know that place; I could say that a “superior telepathic sense” -or it is better to state to you, that my own Spirit guided me there.

From “Beyond Death” (1970) by Samael Aun Weor.

Astral Projection, Heaven, Soul
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