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VM Samael Aun Weor: Gnosis in Hindi - VOPUS
प्यार करना, कितना सुन्दर होता है प्यार करना! केवल महान आत्माएं ही प्यार करती हैं और प्यार करना जानती हैं
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अभ्यासिक नोसिस और ध्यान

Work Wisely

छापें ई-मेल
इस के लेख़क हैं सम्पादक   
Work Wisely, Nervous System, Anger Management

If you want to be successful, you should begin by being sincere with yourself; recognize your own errors. When we recognize our errors we are on the path to correcting them...


Developing the Faculties of the Chakras

छापें ई-मेल
इस के लेख़क हैं सम्पादक   
Chakra, Clairvoyance, Intuition, Mantras

„The human being must be aware of the urgent necessity for the Seven Vowels of Nature to vibrate once again within the organism; they must resound with intensity within the resonating internal chambers, as well as in each of the Plexus or Chakras of the Astral Body


How to get a Successfull Meditation

छापें ई-मेल
इस के लेख़क हैं Samael Aun Weor   
How to get a successfull meditation

It is urgent to know how to relax the physical body in order for Meditation to be correct.