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VM Samael Aun Weor: Gnosis in Hindi - VOPUS
हमें अपने मन को सभी प्रकार की पूर्व कल्पनाओं, लालसाओं, डरों, नफरतों, विद्यालयों, आदि से मुक्त कर देना चाहिए. वह सभी दोष झंझीरें हैं जो की हमारे मन को बाहरी इन्द्रियों से जकड़े हुए हैं.सामाएल आउन वियोर. तैरोत और काबलाह, पाठ ५५.
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नोसिस और नोस्तिसिस्म

Gnosis: The Saving Knowledge

छापें ई-मेल

THE SAVING KNOWLEDGE. The Greek word gnosis means “knowledge”. However, the Gnostic literature does not refer to any knowledge. Gnosis is an outstanding knowledge.


The Gnostics

छापें ई-मेल
Nag Hammadi- The Gnostics all religions one can encounter the idea of the metaphysical liberation of man through gnosis, that is to say, through the integral knowledge; There is a surprising universality in some symbols and in some myths: and therefore we can derive the logical postulate of a common origin of the different religious esoterisms, which necessarily are expressed through the great “exoteric” religions, whose core they are.