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VM Samael Aun Weor: Gnosis in Hindi - VOPUS
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Why is Easter a moveable feast?

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The Cosmic Drama and the Celestial Mechanics

The Easter is profoundly significant. It has to do with the SEVEN and the THREE STEPS of the Freemasonry: First of all, the Christ must blaze in our human body; thereafter the Flame must be placed in the depth of the Soul and finally in the depth of the Spirit. Unquestionably, the Easter has very deep esoteric roots, because the Initiate must work on the Lunar Forces, on the Forces of Mercury, on the Forces of Venus and of the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The Cosmic Drama takes place in SEVEN REGIONS and according to the SEVEN PLANETS of the Solar System

Samael Aun Weor
Lecture: "The Cosmic Christ and the Easter"

Holy Week- moveable feast? Cosmic Christ and the Holy Week

The fixed date of the BIRTH of Christ and the variable date of his DEATH has a deep significance in esotericism.

During a round-table discussion about astrology, which took place in the program "Controversial" of WAPA television, in the nice island of “Puerto Rico”, a person of the public made an imprecation to an astrologer who was with us, and in general to the whole board of guests, by affirming that all the things that the astrologer had said about the Zodiac, the Horoscope, etc., were diabolical things, things of sorcery, witchcraft, etc., and all of that was condemned by the Bible.

Without batting an eye, and with an outlined smile on the lips, the astrologer, in a Socratic way, asked the youth that had made such an unfortunate affirmation: - "Do you know why the Easter Week is celebrated on different dates?"...

A cold silence fell on the T.V. studio, and specially on the person who got the question. This person could not give an answer, and only stammered "I don’t know”

Then, the astrologer said: "I will tell you: It is due to a matter of Celestial Mechanics. It has to do with the coming of the Spring and its first full moon, and the only  things which are diabolical, witch-like and fanatic, are made by those people who have put all of those foolish ideas in your head, by those who say that we, who dedicate ourselves to the study of the movements of the heavenly bodies and their influences, we are devils or wizards. And however, the Church bases the calculation of the celebration of the Easter Week upon the Celestial Mechanics, the Lunar Calendar and the coming of Spring".

Well, finally everyone gave their opinion and of course a polemic was formed…

Certainly, if Christmas is celebrated each year on the 25th of December, the Epiphany on the 6th of January, and the All Saint’s Day on the 1st of November, then, why is the Easter a moveable date?

Snowdrops (Easter moveable feast)

The astrologer of our anecdote has already given a part of the answer to this question: The Easter is celebrated during the First Full Moon of Spring...

According to the Celestial Mechanics the date is calculated in the following way: The coming of the Spring is defined by the date of 21st of March (vernal Equinox, in the day in which the night and day are equal), and according to the same mechanics, at the end of the year, almost 13 lunations are counted, which cannot be to repeated since the year is divided into 12 months. So, following the Lunar Calendar, we observe that the full moon of March can occur a little before the 21 (then the Easter Week will be in the middle or end of April), or in the beginning of March (then the Easter will be in the following full moon, that is, in the beginning of April or even at the end of the same March, as it occurred in 1997).

All this was agreed in the Council of Nicaea in 325. A purely astronomical question, that is, the travel of the Earth along its orbit, became a religious question, by fixing the Easter on the Sunday following the first Full Moon of the spring.

In this regard, we have already said in past articles about this theme and that of
Christmas, that thanks to the fact that the flourishing Christianity clothed itself with the Living Religious Principles of the decadent Paganism, so that these principles wouldn’t be lost. Thus the feasts that Paganism celebrated since ancient times in remembrance of the solar, celestial or terrestrial events, and also the Christic Drama of the Sun Child (represented in the stellar movements) continued to be celebrated in the New Religion, not only (as some people think) as a simple strategy to gain adepts, but in order to keep the Hidden Wisdom through the tradition. Neither at present, nor in the past, these dates have been chosen randomly, or by chance, but on the contrary, they are representing the deepest structure and relation between man and Cosmos, because these celebrations (like Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, etc.) represent events that are Cosmic, Solar and Human at the same time.

On the other hand, although the "Christian era" (our calendar) weren’t  proposed until the year 532, when Dionysius Exiguous established the birth of Jesus of Nazareth on the 25th of December of the year 753 of the Romans (the 750 according other scholars), this date was not chosen by chance. Firstly because Jesus the Great Kabir, as the V.M. Samael tells us, wasn’t born in December but in March (he was Pisces), and as we have already pointed out, the pagan feasts in relation to the Winter Solstice and the birth of the “Sun Child” were celebrated on those dates with big bonfires in the summits of the mountains.

In the same way, the Easter coincides with the feasts which were celebrated since ancient times to the honor of the Four Elements (Earth, Water, Air and Fire) and of the Fertility, which were realized in the Spring Equinox (21 of March). It is in this Equinoctial Cross where the Solar Force of the star that illuminates us must be crucified, so that the fruits become ripe, and the grains fructify. It is in this Cross of the Elements where the Force of the Solar Logos (the Inner Christ within us) must be crucified so that the seed becomes ripe and the Son of Man fructifies and re-conquers his ancient Solar Lineage, then, He will celebrate his Inner Easter Week.


2008 23 March
2009 12 April
2010 4 April
2011 24 April
2012 8 April
2013 31 March
2014 20 April
2015 5 April
2016 27 March
2017 16 April
Easter-moveable-feast Cosmic Christ
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