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Zodiacal Sign of LEO

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Zodiacal Sign of LEO

LEO 23rd of July – 22nd of August

The natives of Leo are energetic and generous at the same time, magnanimous, mystics and authoritarians.

They have a tendency towards anger and should struggle much to dominate that defect.

Leo, being the throne of the Sun, announces fortune and high position.

The occult significance of is Intuition.

Gold is the metal of this sign and diamond, its stone.

The natives of Leo are authoritative and want to command only.

Leo brings some journeys. The natives of Leo suffer a great deal morally.

"Zodiacal Course"Samael Aun Weor

The metal of Leo is pure gold. The stone of Leo is the diamond; the color of Leo is golden.

In practice we have been able to verify that the natives of Leo are like the lion, brave, irate, noble, worthy, constant.

But there are many people and it is clear that, among the natives of Leo, we also find those who are arrogant, proud, unfaithful, tyrants, etc.

The natives of Leo also have organizational aptitudes, they develop the sentiment and bravery of the lion. The developed persons of this sign get to be great paladins.

The mediocre type of Leo is very sentimental and irate. The mediocre type of Leo overestimates his own capacities too much.

In every native of Leo, mysticism already developed in an incipient stage always exists; it all depends on the type of person.

The natives of Leo are always predisposed to suffer accidents to the arms and hands.

"Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology" - SAMAEL AUN WEOR

Goto Image Gallery Astrology and Zodiac - Johfra Bosschart

Zodiacal Sign of LEO
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