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VM Samael Aun Weor: Gnosis in Hindi - VOPUS
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The Ascent and Descent of the Kundalini

छापें ई-मेल
इस के लेख़क हैं Samael Aun Weor   

Those pseudo-esoterists who affirm that the Kundalini after having ascended to the Crown Chakra or Lotus of a Thousand Petals descends once again into the Church of Ephesus or coccygeal center, remaining stored there, are lying terribly. The Kundalini only descends when the Initiate lets himself fall. The Initiate falls when he spills the semen. The work to raise the Serpent after having fallen is very difficult and arduous.

Jesus and Discipols

The Lord of Perfection said, "The disciple must never let himself fall because whosoever falls then has to struggle a great deal to regain that which was lost."

The Hindus state that within the medullar canal exists a channel called Sushumna, and within this channel, another called Vajrini exists and within this, a third called Citrini, "as fine as a spiders' thread on which the chakras are threaded, like the knots on a bamboo pole'. Thus, this is what the sacred books of India state, and we know that the Kundalini rises through the Citrini solely and exclusively with the Maithuna, Sexual Magic, Arcanum A.Z.F.Couple Kissing

We practice internal meditation to achieve ecstasy; however, we know very well that the Kundalini does not awaken with meditation, because the Kundalini is sexual. It is false to affirm that the awakening of the Kundalini is achieved through meditation. Meditation is a technique to receive information. Meditation is not a technique for awakening the Kundalini. The pseudo-esoterists have done much damage with their ignorance.

In India there are seven fundamental schools of yoga and these all speak of the Kundalini. These schools of yoga are of no use if Tantra is not studied. Tantra is the best of the East. Maithuna (Sexual Magic) is practised in every authentic school of esoteric yoga. This is Tantra. The Tantras give fundamental value to yoga.

In the center of the lotus of the heart a marvelous triangle exists. This triangle also exists in the coccygeal chakra and in the chakra located between the eyebrows. In each of these chakras a mysterious knot exists. These are the three knots.

These knots enclose a profound meaning. Here we have the three Pranayamafundamental changes in the work with the Serpent. In the first knot (Church of Ephesus), we abandon the system of spilling the semen. In the second knot (Church of Thyatira), we learn to truly love. In the third knot (Church of Philadelphia), we gain true Wisdom and we see clairvoyantly.

The Kundalini in its ascent must untie these three mysterious knots. The pseudo-esoterists marvel that the primeval Hindu Yogis hardly mention the ethereal chakras or plexuses, but instead concentrate all their attention on the chakras of the spine and the Kundalini. In fact, the primeval Hindu Yogis were Tantric, and practised Maithuna. They were true Initiates of the Wisdom of the Serpent. Serpent on Cross They knew very well that the key to our redemption is found in the spinal medulla and in the semen. They understood that the awakened Kundalini opens the spinal chakras, and that these in turn, activate the chakras of the plexuses. Therefore, the foremost are the spinal chakras and the Serpent. All the great Sages and Patriarchs of the ancient Serpentine civilizations knew this very well.

Shiva and ShaktiIn the three triangles, base, cardiac and frontal, the Deity is represented as a sexual Lingam. This symbol reveals all, however, the learned ignoramuses always search for evasions and excuses in order to alter the truth. It is not fair that pseudo-esoterists continue deceiving consciously or unconsciously the poor suffering humanity. We have studied the great Serpentine Civilizations in depth, and therefore we speak clearly so that those who want to be saved, can truly save themselves. We are here to utter the Truth, and we utter it even though pseudo-occultists and infrasexual people declare themselves to be our worst enemies. The truth must be uttered, and we uttered it with great pleasure.

It is necessary to work with the Kundalini and untie the three knots. Those three knots are the three triangles which transform our lives with Chastity, Love and Wisdom.

(An excerpt from the book "The Perfect Matrimony", chapter entitled "The Ninth Sphere"
Samael Aun Weor)

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