Samael Aun Weor: Is clear that if you do not remember, it is because you did not astral project by will; it seems impossible to me that a person who astral projects voluntarily -who leaves the body consciously, intentionally- will be unable to remember what he/she saw outside their body. For example, when you leave your house to go to the office and soon return from the office to your house, do you remember what you saw in the office, the work that you did, and the commands of your boss?
Yes, I remember everything that I did in the office when I return to my house.
So then this case is similar, young lady; remember that your physical body is a house of bones and flesh; thus, if you voluntarily leave that house you will then see many things, and if you voluntarily return, it is also obvious that you will remember everything that you saw and heard.
From “Beyond Death” (1970) by Samael Aun Weor.