Please explain to me the technique to astral project. I would like to go to Paris by will.
इस के लेख़क हैं Samael Aun Weor

What you always perform in an involuntary and unconscious manner, learn to do it in a voluntary and conscious manner. You have always astral projected yourself, since all souls leave the body -unfortunately in an unconscious manner- at the moment when one is dozing; so, perform the same thing, but in a voluntary and conscious manner. I repeat: when you began to feel that state of lassitude related to slumber, when you begin to doze, then imagine yourself to be like a subtle and vaporous ghost; think that you are going to leave your body; understand that you are not the body; understand that you are a soul; thus, feel yourself as being soul and then with smoothness and delicacy -as the souls rise- get up from your bed.

Astral Projection, Samael Aun Weor, Dreams

What I am explaining to you must be performed in a concrete manner; this is not to a matter of thinking, but of actions! Then as soon you get up, perform a small jump within your bedroom with the firm intention of floating in the environment; thus, it is clear that if you float, it is because you are already outside your physical body; then you can leave your bedroom and float in the atmosphere; then you can go to Paris, London, or wherever pleases you. However, if you do not float it is because you just got up from your bed with your physical body; if this happens, then go back again to your bed and repeat the experiment.

From “Beyond Death” (1970) by Samael Aun Weor.

Tags: Astral Projection, Samael Aun Weor